General Purposes: mostly on programming

anaconda Anaconda
atom A hackable text editor
bitbucket Code, Manage, Collaborate
bmcmc MCMC package for Bayesian data analysis
bokeh Python interactive visualization library
C/C++ References to C/C++ libraries
colorbrewer Color-bind friendly colors
engauge-digitizer Extracts data points from images of graphs
dropbox dropbox
emacs An extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor — and more
gdb The GNU Project Debugger
George a fast and flexible Python library for Gaussian Process Regression
git git –everything-is-local
github git repositories
gnuplot Gnuplot
GSL GNU Scientific Library
Jupyter jupyter
JupyterLab jupyter lab
latex LaTeX – A document preparation system
Mathematica Wolfram
matplotlib matplotlib
NumPy scientific computing with Python
pandas Python Data Analysis Library
Python python
R The R Project for Statistical Computing
ROOT modular scientific software framework
seaborn statistical data visualization
SciPy Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering
Slurm an open source, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system
Stan a state-of-the-art platform for statistical modeling and high-performance statistical computation
swig Connect C/C++ with high-level programming languages
valgrind Build dynamic analysis
vim Vim - the ubiquitous text editor