Spring 2024

May 31, 2024
Bachelor Thesis Defenses by Rong Du, Kun Gao, Jierui Hu, Peihang Li, Zijing Li, Yichen Pan, and Lihang Zhou at Peking University

May 31, 2024
Bachelor Thesis Defense by Chenghui Zhao at Nanjing University

May 26, 2024
第二届《Chinese Physics Letters》《Chinese Physics B》《物理学报》《物理》四刊联合青年编委会, 黄河迎宾馆, 河南·郑州 (News)

May 2024
Constraining the stochastic gravitational wave background using the future lunar seismometers by Han Yan, et al. (arXiv)

May 20, 2024
PhD Thesis Defenses by Hong-Bo Li & Chang Liu at the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University

May 16, 2024
Bachelor Thesis Defense by Yiming Xu in the School of Earth and Space Sciences at Peking University

May 14, 2024
Invited (online) lecture at the Fifth IUCSS Summer School and Workshop on the Lorentz- and CPT-violating Standard-Model Extension, Indiana University, Bloomington USA (SME)

May 12, 2024
Bachelor Thesis Defense by Jianyuan Luo at Wuhan University

May 11, 2024
Invited talk and conference organizer at Dialog at the Dream Field: Supranuclear Matter, Guiyang China (DDF)

May 9, 2024
Bachelor Thesis Defense by Zhuhai Li at Beijing Normal University

May 2024
Constraints on conformal ultralight dark matter couplings from the European Pulsar Timing Array by Clemente Smarra, et al. (arXiv)

May 2024
Invited to the Joint Youth Editorial Board of Chinese Physics Letters, Chinese Physics B, 《物理学报》, and 《物理》

April 28, 2024
Invited talk at the 1st Sino-European Workshop on Lunar-Based Gravitational Waves Detection, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (lunar)

April 2024
Unveiling the existence of nontensorial gravitational-wave polarizations from individual supermassive black hole binaries with pulsar timing arrays by Dicong Liang, et al. (arXiv)

April 26, 2024
Postdoctoral Defense by Dr. Zhan-Feng Mai at the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University

April 2024
Formation of GW230529 from Isolated Binary Evolution and Its Electromagnetic Counterparts by Jin-Ping Zhu, et al. (arXiv)

April 2024
A freely precessing magnetar following an X-ray outburst by Gregory Desvignes, et al. (NatAs)

April 4, 2024
Invited talk at the First Beijing-Shanghai Bilateral Forum on Gravitational Waves, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

March 30, 2024
Contributed talk at the First Workshop on Audio-band Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai Campus)

March 2024
The Relativistic Spin Precession in the Compact Double Neutron Star System PSR J1946+2052 by Lingqi Meng, et al. (arXiv)

March 2024
Asteroseismology of compact stars by Hong-Bo Li, et al. (Universe)

March 21, 2024
Introduction to Astronomy for Undergraduates, Peking University

March 20, 2024
Invited (online) talk at the Intercontinental Seminars on Gravity and Cosmology (ISGC)

March 2024
Towards a Consistent Calculation of the Lunar Response to Gravitational Waves by Han Yan, et al. (arXiv)