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Future Events

February 17, 2025
Lecturing class Theoretical Mechanics (A) at Peking University, Spring 2025 (TM25)

December 14, 2024
Invited talk at the International Pulsar Symposium 2024, Guiyang China (PSR24)

Autumn 2024

November 1, 2024
Undergraduate Research Defenses by Yiqiu Yang, Yukun Liu, Bolin Li, and Hongyi Zhang at Peking University

November 1, 2024
Invited colloquium talk at Lanzhou Center for Theoretical Physics, Lanzhou University

October 26, 2024
Invited talk at Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology, Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, UCAS (GC24)

October 23-25, 2024
Future Cosmology: New Physics and New Opportunities at Ningbo University

October 17, 2024
Talk at Lectures on The Frontiers of Modern Physics (Ⅰ), Peking University

October 2024
Effects of orbital eccentricity on continuous gravitational waveforms from triaxially-deformed precessing neutron stars in tight binaries by Wen-Fan Feng, et al. (arXiv)

September 21, 2024
Invited popular-science talk at Zhixue Yuan Zhixue Tang (智学苑智学堂), Beijing China (Zhixue)

September 2024
Vetting quark-star models with gravitational waves in the hierarchical Bayesian framework by Ziming Wang, et al. (arXiv)

September 19, 2024
Lecturing at Frontier of Astrophysics, Peking University

September 2024
A novel standard candle: collapsing axion stars by Haoran Di, et al. (arXiv)

September 2024
Neutron stars in the bumblebee theory of gravity by Peixiang Ji, et al. (arXiv)

September 9, 2024
Lecturing class General Relativity & Astrophysics and Electrodynamics (A) at Peking University, Fall 2024 (GR24, CED24)

September 2024
Gravitational wave ringdown analysis using the $F$-statistic by Hai-Tian Wang, et al. (arXiv)

Archive       Since September 1, 2018