About me orcid

I am an Associate Professor with Tenure (研究员/长聘副教授/博士生导师) in the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University, Beijing China.   PKU Academic Tree   PKU 北大学者中文主页

Selected Professional Recognitions

Research Interests

  • Tests of gravity theories
  • Gravitational waves
  • Pulsars and neutron stars
  • Black-hole spacetime & black-hole astrophysics
  • Precision tests of fundamental physics
  • Astrophysical studies of dark matter
  • Bayesian data analysis and statistics


    广义相对论       4学分       General Relativity
    广义相对论与天体物理       2学分       General Relativity & Astrophysics
    理论力学 (A) 4学分 Theoretical Mechanics (A)
    电动力学 (A) 4学分 Electrodynamics (A)
    电动力学 (B) 3学分 Electrodynamics (B)
    理论物理基础 (I) 4学分 Fundamentals of Theoretical Physics (I)
    普通物理 (I) 4学分 General Physics (I)
    普通物理 (II) 4学分 General Physics (II)
    百年物理 2学分 Centenary Physics (建设中…)
    天体粒子物理 2学分 Astroparticle Physics

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Tel: +86-(0)10-6275-6692; Fax: +86-(0)10-6275-7900 (secretary)

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Group Meeting: Sundays 9:00-11:30 AM (1st meeting room)

Office Hours: Thursdays 14:00-17:00PM and Sundays 13:30-14:30PM (by appointment)