Specific Purposes: mostly on programming

altair Declarative statistical visualization library for Python
argparse command-line parsing module in the Python standard library
asana asana task manager
astroblend Combine artistic 3D models with computational astrophysics datasets and win the internet
astroML Machine learning, statistics, and data mining for astronomy and astrophysics
astropy python library for astronomy
astroquery Functions and classes to access online data resources
astroVis visulizing astronomical data cubes
avoplot An extensible scientific plotting tool based on matplotlib
bokeh-notebook Interactive Web Plotting with Bokeh in IPython notebook
celerite Scalable 1D Gaussian Processes in C++, Python, and Julia
chainconsumer Corner plots, LaTeX tables and plotting walks
contbin Contour binning
corner Make some beautiful corner plots of samples
cosmoPMC Cosmology sampling with Population Monte Carlo
cosmoslik Cosmology Sampler of LIKelihoods
cuba a library for multidimensional numerical integration
DALI Non-Gaussian Likelihood Approximations
DNest4 Diffusive Nested Sampling
emcee Affine Invariant Markov chain Monte Carlo Ensemble sampler
eob_ihes EOB IHES
FATS Feature Analysis for Time Series
FEniCS computing platform for partial differential equations
Fluid Turn Your Favorite Web Apps into Real Mac Apps
gala Python package for Galactic astronomy and gravitational dynamics
galkin A tool to handle the available data on the rotation curve of the Milky Way
GalPot A stand-alone version of Dehnen’s GalaxyPotential code
galpy Galactic Dynamics in python
gatspy General tools for Astronomical Time Series in Python
GMM Gaussian Mixture Modeling
GRTensorII GRTensorII
gwframe Manipulate gravitational waveforms—changing frames, and so on
gwpy Package for analysing and characterising gravitational wave data in python
h5py HDF5 for Python
HAD Distributed AMR infrastructure for PDEs
ipywidgets IPython widgets for the Jupyter Notebook
Jekyll Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs
jrnl Collect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command line
lalsuite LALSuite Mirror
languagecheck Improve the language of your paper before submission
lightning API-based access to reproducible web visualizations
lisatools LISA tools
MCcubed Python Differential Evolution MCMC
mesa The Mesa 3D Graphics Library
nbody collection of nbody codes
nbstripout strip output from Jupyter and IPython notebooks
NX01 Pulsar-timing array analysis code
O2scl object-oriented scientific computing library
odes The ODES scikit for ordinary differential and algebraic equations, an extension to scipy
odespy Odespy Interface to ODE Solvers
pandoc a universal document converter
piccard pulsar timing data analysis package
PINT PINT is not TEMPO3 – New software for high-precision pulsar timing
precession precession
PSPLINE Princeton Spline and Hermite Cubic Interpolation Routines
PsrPopPy Python implementation of PSRPOP, designed to be run from the command line or from Python scripts/interpreter
pwkit miscellaneous Python for science and astronomy
pycbc Analyze gravitational-wave data, find signals, and study their parameters
pycodestyle Python style guide checker
pydde Python/C DDE solver
pydelay delay differential equations (DDEs)
pyMan Introduction to Python for Science
pynbody N-body and hydro analysis tools for python 2 and 3
re Regular Expression
rebound An open-source multi-purpose N-body code
reboundx A library for adding additional forces to the REBOUND N-body integration package
RGW Goodman-Weare Affine-Invariant Sampling in R-language
reproject Image reprojection
RGTC Riemannian Geometry & Tensor Calculus @ Mathematica
RNS Rapidly rotating NSs
ROMSpline compressing and interpolating 1d data using reduced-order modeling and statistical learning methods
sage Mirror of the Sage source tree
scri manipulating time-dependent functions of spin-weighted spherical harmonics
simulationtools SimulationTools
slice_posterior Slices and interpolate a LIGO CBC-PE posterior file
synthlisa Synthetic LISA: a noise and signal simulator for LISA-like gravitational-wave observatories
tempo pulsar timing data analysis
tempo2 TEMPO2 pulsar timing package
tensorflow An open-source software library for Machine Intelligence
threading Manage concurrent threads
theano a Python library to define, optimize, and efficiently evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays
three.js JavaScript 3D library
uncertainties uncertainties package
VBBinaryLensing forward modelling of gravitational microlensing events
vim fugitive VIM fugitive
VisIt data visualization
vpython Simple 3D Programming Using VPython
WebPlotDigitizer HTML5 based online tool to extract numerical data from plot images
xAct Efficient tensor computer algebra for the Wolfram Language
xAct-contrib Community contributions to xAct
zotfile Zotero plugin to manage your attachments
zsh Zsh