Teaching Activities
Education is to discover oneself and to fulfill purposes of life.
Recent Courses
GRA-2026F | General Relativity & Astrophysics 广义相对论与天体物理 |
周二10-11节,地点待定 |
TM-2026S | Theoretical Mechanics 理论力学 |
周一1-2节(单) & 周三7-8节;地点待定 习题课:周一1-2节(双);地点待定 |
CED-2025F | Electrodynamics (A) 电动力学(A) |
周一7-8节 & 周三3-4节;地点待定 习题课:周一10-11节(双);地点待定 |
SR-2025F | Special Relativity & Spacetime 狭义相对论与时空观 |
周二10-11节,地点待定 |
TM-2025S | Theoretical Mechanics (A) 理论力学(A) |
周二5-6节 & 周四7-8节;理教410 习题课: 周三10-11节(双);理教201 |
▶ Summary Table ▶ Frontier Lectures |
▶ Teaching History ▶ Miscellaneous |
Summary Table
正在申请 | 2学分·34学时 Special Relativity & Spacetime 狭义相对论与时空观 |
2025F (?? ppl.) |
00407794 | 2学分·34学时 General Relativity & Astrophysics 广义相对论与天体物理 |
2026F (?? ppl.) 2024F (75 ppl.) 2023F (75 ppl.) 2021F (18 ppl.) 2020F (34 ppl.) 2019F (24 ppl.) |
00431132 00431133 |
4学分·68学时 General Physics (I) 普通物理(I) 4学分·68学时 General Physics (II) 普通物理(II) * exercise class ID: 00431680 |
2024S (173 ppl.) 2022S (95 ppl.) 2021S (159 ppl.) 2020F (75 ppl.) |
00432140 00432141 00432213 |
4学分·68学时 Electrodynamics (A) 电动力学(A) 3学分·51学时 Electrodynamics (B) 电动力学(B) 3学分·51学时 Electrodynamics 电动力学 * exercise class ID: 00432160 |
2025F (?? ppl.) 2024F (88 ppl.) 2023F (92 ppl.) 2022F (30 ppl.) |
00432198 00432211 |
4学分·68学时 Theoretical Mechanics (A) 理论力学(A) 3学分·51学时 Theoretical Mechanics 理论力学 * exercise class ID: 00432205 |
2026S (?? ppl.) 2025S (77 ppl.) 2024S (100 ppl.) 2022F (101 ppl.) 2021F (105 ppl.) 2019F (96 ppl.) |
00432296 | 2学分·34学时 Astroparticle Physics 天体粒子物理 |
2022S (8 ppl.) |
Teaching History
PKU’26F | General Relativity & Astrophysics 广义相对论与天体物理 |
Lecturer * TA: ?? |
PKU’26S | Theoretical Mechanics 理论力学 |
Lecturer * TAs: Zexin Hu & Ze Zhang |
PKU’25F | Special Relativity & Spacetime 狭义相对论与时空观 |
Lecturer * TA: Ze Zhang |
PKU’25F | Electrodynamics (A) 电动力学(A) |
Lecturer * TAs: Chenghui Zhao & Zhuhai Li |
PKU’25S | Theoretical Mechanics (A) 理论力学(A) |
Lecturer * TAs: Ziming Wang & Peixiang Ji |
PKU’24F | Electrodynamics (A) 电动力学(A) |
Lecturer * TAs: Yiming Dong & Huapeng Gu |
PKU’24F | General Relativity & Astrophysics 广义相对论与天体物理 |
Lecturer * TA: Hanlin Song |
PKU’24S | Theoretical Mechanics (A) 理论力学(A) |
Lecturer * TAs: Yacheng Kang & Fangcheng Wang |
PKU’24S | General Physics (I) 普通物理(I) |
Lecturer * TAs: Peixiang Ji & Zexin Hu & Jierui Hu |
AYEP’23 | Fundamental Physics in Astronomy 天文学中的基础物理 |
Lecturer * Asian Youth Exchange Program |
PKU’23F | Electrodynamics (A) 电动力学(A) |
Lecturer * TAs: Zexin Hu & Hanlin Song |
PKU’23F | General Relativity & Astrophysics 广义相对论与天体物理 |
Lecturer * TA: Peixiang Ji |
PKU’22F | Electrodynamics (B) 电动力学(B) |
Lecturer * TA: Yong Gao |
PKU’22F | Theoretical Mechanics (A) 理论力学(A) |
Lecturer * TAs: Muxin Liu & Hanlin Song |
PKU’22S | General Physics (I) 普通物理(I) |
Lecturer * TAs: Ping He & Zipu Fan |
PKU’22S | Astroparticle Physics 天体粒子物理 |
co-Lecturer with Profs. B.-Q. Ma, R.-X. Xu, B. Chen, Z. Li, J. Liu |
PKU’21F | Theoretical Mechanics (A) 理论力学(A) |
Lecturer * TAs: Hongbo Li & Hulin Li |
PKU’21F | General Relativity & Astrophysics 广义相对论与天体物理 |
Lecturer * TA: Zihang Wang |
PKU’21S | General Physics (I) 普通物理(I) |
Lecturer * TAs: Yong Gao & Zhongfu Zhang |
PKU’20F | General Physics (II) 普通物理(II) |
Lecturer * TAs: Chang Liu & Lei Geng |
PKU’20F | General Relativity & Astrophysics 广义相对论与天体物理 |
Lecturer * TA: Tai Zhou |
PKU’19F | Theoretical Mechanics (A) 理论力学(A) |
Lecturer * TAs: Chang Liu & Yong Gao |
PKU’19F | General Relativity & Astrophysics 广义相对论与天体物理 |
Lecturer * TA: Xionghui Cao |
PKU’13F | Quantum Statistical Physics 量子统计物理 |
TA * Lectured by Prof. Ryuichi Shindou |
PKU’10F | What is Science? 科学是什么 |
TA * Lectured by Profs. Yi Rao & Guosheng Wu |
PKU’10S | Probability Theory and Statistics 概率统计 |
TA * Lectured by Prof. Zhenxi Dong |
PKU’09F | Linear Algebra 线性代数 |
TA * Lectured by Prof. Maoying Tian ** Excellent Teaching Assistant Award |
Frontier Lectures
00415662 | Advanced Lecture on Theoretical Physics 理论物理前沿讲座 |
2023S (2 hr) |
00430151 | Lectures on The Frontiers of Modern Physics (Ⅰ) 现代物理前沿讲座(I) |
2024F (2 hr) 2023F (2 hr) 2021F (2 hr) 2020F (2 hr) 2018F (2 hr) |
00431547 | Frontier of Astrophysics 天体物理前沿 |
2024F (2 hr) 2023F (2 hr) 2021F (1 hr) 2019F (2 hr) 2019S (2 hr) |
00432224 | Lectures on The Frontiers of Modern Physics (ⅠI) 现代物理前沿讲座(II) |
2024S (2 hr) 2023S (2 hr) |
00920012 * Tsinghua University |
Seminars on Frontiers of Astrophysics 天体物理前沿讲座 |
2021F (2 hr) 2020F (2 hr) |
01035390 | Boya Science Lectures 博雅理学讲堂 |
2022F (2 hr) |
亚洲青少年交流计划 Asian Youth Exchange Program |
Fundamental Physics in Astronomy 天文学中的基础物理 |
2023 |
- 2023年,北京大学本科生科研训练优秀指导教师奖
- 2023年,䇹政基金卓越贡献奖优秀导师
- 2023年,北京大学物理学院钟盛标物理奖-教学奖
- 2023年,北京大学优秀教学团队奖 [公告]
- 电动力学教学团队:朱守华、刘克新、刘川、彭良友、宋慧超、刘雄军、邵立晶、刘佳
- 2023年,北京大学本科毕业论文优秀指导教师奖
- 2022年,北京大学本科生科研训练优秀指导教师奖
- 2021年,北京大学物理学院育人奉献奖
- 2021年,北京大学本科生科研训练优秀指导教师奖
- 2021年,北京大学教学优秀奖 [公告]
- 2020年,北京大学第二十届青年教师教学基本功比赛理工类一等奖(第一名) [北大新闻网]
- 并获得优秀教案奖、最佳教学演示奖和最受学生欢迎奖
- 青年教师谈教学之“邵立晶:打造攀登物理世界的阶梯” [北大教务部]