Special Relativity & Spacetime
Spring 2026, Peking University
This course is designed to be introductory, suitable for those who want a first grasp of the tremendous beauty of Einstein’s relativity and the modern understanding of spacetime. I will try to keep the mathematics minimum, and the physics clearly stated. In this class, students are supposed to learn,
- the concept of spacetime & the history of relativity theories,
- the logic behind Einstein’s special relativity, and the ability to derive basic equations therein,
- fine interpretation of various phenomena in the spacetime setting,
- the limitation of the class, as well as the direction to explore if one wants to master more advanced materials.
The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalí
Though the class targets undergraduates who, while not majoring in Physics, have basic Science & Engineering background, it is in general eligible for students from other fields with curiosity of the Nature and a sense of the grand Beauty as well.
General Information
Space & Time | 周二10-11节,地点待定 |
先修课程 | 高等数学、线性代数、力学、电磁学 |
参考书 | 《狭义相对论(第二版)》,刘辽,费保俊,张允中,科学出版社,2008年 |
《狭义相对论实验基础(第二版)》,张元仲,科学出版社,2023年 | |
《从零学相对论》,梁灿彬,曹周键,高等教育出版社,2013年 | |
阅读材料 | 《相对论百问(第二版)》,赵峥,北京师范大学出版社,2012年 |
《相对论的意义》,爱因斯坦 [著],李灏 [译],北京大学出版社,2014年 | |
《狭义与广义相对论浅说》,爱因斯坦 [著],杨润殷 [译],北京大学出版社,2006年 | |
教员 | Lijing Shao (邵立晶);Office KIAA-217;lshao@pku.edu.cn |
【答疑时间】每周日14:00-14:45PM(建议来前联系,以免空跑) | |
助教 | |
网盘链接 | 猛戳这里 (倘若打开有误,请尝试重新刷新) |
Content | Note |
0. 课程介绍 | |
1. 伽利略与牛顿的时空观 | |
2. 狭义相对论的基本原理 | |
3. 狭义相对论的时空观 | HW1 (ddl: ) |
4. 相对论性的力学 | |
课程论文 | 从第9周始到第16周末交即可 正文3000字以内,每超100字扣1分 |
5. 电磁场理论 | HW2 (ddl: ) |
6. 狭义相对论的实验验证 | |
7. 超出狭义相对论的理论与实验探索 | HW3 (ddl: ) |
8. 广义相对论简介 | |
期末答疑 | |
期末考试 |